Icoon carwash

New car wash

Car wash from A to Z

At CTW we build and install self-service car washes to suit all wishes and budgets. Determine the look & feel of your car wash with us and choose the washing techniques and type of construction (stainless steel or galvanized steel). We provide a high-quality, customized installation with maximum efficiency.

Sustainable, ecological & innovative

We always center our design around the environment and the user. We make sure that our installations do not harm the environment and implement an energy-efficient system for an optimal use of water, power and all other washing necessities. When it comes to user-friendliness, we make sure that our installations are easy to use and that all users can pay contactless through their credit card, washing card or smartphone.

CTW management system

Last but not least, we also provide our self-service car wash installations with a unique digital management system. With this system, owners can easily manage their installation, even from a distance. You can add or adjust settings, consult performance and income reports and keep track of your installation’s maintenance needs.

Our turnkey approach

  • Market and ROI study
  • Cost and energy efficient design
  • Technical and structural drawings
  • Advice and guidance with regards to building and environmental permits
  • Installation development and build
  • Follow-up and service

Interested in our services?

Are you interested in our services or do you have any questions about our possibilities? Contact us through the form below!

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